Episode 17

Download Episode 17

We are thrilled to be back and recording this week — we missed you guys!  This is convention review week as we squee over PAX and Dragon*Con.  Guild Wars 2 made a huge splash with the announcement of the smartphone app (also available for the Android, as we fail to mention in the audio), the Dynamic Events Panel, and of course the public demo of the game.  Their efforts earned them a Best of Show award from Machinima.com, and deservedly so.
We wrapped up with reader email, including one especially awesome email that we saved for last.  We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
It’s good to be back, and we’ll see you guys next week!

The GuildCast theme song is “The Dirt” by Goddessmusic.

If you’d like to contact us, shoot an email over to shawn@guildcast.com or rubi@guildcast.com. You can also follow us on Twitter or Facebook. Thanks for listening!


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8 responses to “Episode 17

  1. Man Shawn, sounds like you had fun at DragonCon, even without PAX.

    I’m currently in Cleveland, so I was only like an 45 min-1 hour from Atlanta, but DragonCon came up on me so fast.

    I’m going to try to attend next year. Perhaps I can be at your panel! 😀

  2. Great show!

    Speaking of the monk: I forgot to mention something everywhere I gushed about the demo. As a charr you get to visit Serenity Temple, which is utterly destroyed by the branding. It’s all rubble and purple crystals. A not-quest has you escort a scholar throughout and fight off Ascalonian ghosts. Among the ghosts there are elementalists, rangers, warriors, etc. AND “Ascalonian Healers”! How cheeky of them to not only put healers in the game, but put them in as ghosts in a nostalgic area where we’re seeing our memories destroyed!

  3. Alinos

    I really hope that the Mesmer stays not just because it’s an awesome class but it id one of those things that distinguished GW from other MMO’s

    i don’t like the fact that interrupts are being scaled down(or whatever it is) it was one of those things that made the combat more than just sit and spam skills till things die. a reactive combat system is much better

  4. Best episode yet!

    Keep it up guys! 😀

  5. vanth

    Ruby you did not read my fanmail aloud that i sent you! I will take that as a personal offense! 😛

    You guys are great fun listening to. The idea of having the HoM inside your house like statues, drawings or trophies seems like a very nice idea!

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